Installing the Catalog API

When you install JReport Designer, which by default is located in C:\JReport\Designer, the Catalog API is also installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the following components in <install_root>\lib:

The Catalog API class is stored in the archive file report.jar. You will need to do the two steps below before you can compile and run the program:

  1. Set the class path environment variable. Append the following string to your class path that starts the Catalog API:


  2. In your Java program you must set the licensed user and Design API license key.

    DesignerUserInfo userInfo=new DesignerUserInfo("UID","Design API Key");

  3. Set the reporthome parameter equal to the root path of JReport Designer. You can set this in your environment or with the -Dreporthome argument to your JVM.

JReport Server also includes the Catalog API. If you prefer to use the libraries from JReport Server include the jar file <server_install_root>\lib\JRESServlets.jar in your class path instead of report.jar. You would then need to use the Server Design API license key rather than the Design API license key.