Inserting a business cube, report cube or business view

The following methods are used to insert a business cube or report cube into a catalog and to return the handle of the newly inserted object if it is inserted successfully, otherwise null if there is a failure:

To insert a business view, you can only use the following method:


Adding elements to business cube/report cube

When you have a business cube or report cube created successfully, you can add elements into it. A business cube/report cube can contain the following elements: categories, dimension objects, measure objects, and detail information objects.

The following methods are used to insert a cube element into a business cube or report cube and to return the handle of the newly inserted object if it is inserted successfully, otherwise null if there is a failure:


Adding elements to business view

Similarly, you can add elements into a business view using the following methods, which include categories, group objects, aggregation objects and detail objects:


See an example: The sample in <install_root>\help\samples\APICatalog shows how to create a report cube using the Catalog API.