Installing the Design API

The full Design API packages are included in JReport Designer and JReport Server. JReport Designer includes a single threaded Design API, while JReport Server includes a multi-threaded Design API. JReport Design API and JReport Server Design API packages can also be downloaded and installed to your local machine. After which, you can then program with them without having to install any other JReport products.

Installing the Design API by JReport Designer

When you install JReport Designer, the Design API will be installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the components listed below in <designer_install_root>\lib:

Installing the Design API by JReport Server

When you install JReport Server, the Server Design API will be installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the components listed below in <server_install_root>\lib:

Installing independent JReport Design API

Ask the Jinfonet Support ( for the independent Design API installation file. Then, run the file and follow the prompts to install.

After you have installed JReport Design API by running the installation file, you will need to take the following two steps before you compile and run the program:

  1. Set the classpath environment variable. Then, append the following string to your class path that starts the Design API:


  2. Set the -Dreporthome parameter equal to the root path of the Design API.

Installing independent JReport Server Design API

Ask the Jinfonet Support ( for the independent Server Design API installation file. Then, run the file and follow the prompts to install. We don't recommend using these libraries, we recommend you use the Design API libraries included in JReport Server.

After you have installed JReport Server Design API by running the installation file, you will need to take the following two steps before you compile and run the program:

  1. Set the classpath environment variable. Then, append the following string to your class path that starts the Server Design API:


  2. Set the -Dreporthome parameter to be the same as the root path of the Server Design API.


Note: The Design API classes are stored in the archive files: report.jar and JREngine.jar. You will need to take the following two steps before you can compile and run the program:

  1. Set the classpath environment variable. Append the following string to your class path that starts the Design API:


  2. Add the jar files for your DBMS JDBC drivers.
  3. Set the -Dreporthome parameter to be the same as the root path of JReport Designer.
  4. You will need to register the Design API licensed user and license key in your source code.

Note: The Server Design API classes are stored in the archive files: JRESServlets.jar and JREngine.jar. You will need to take the following two steps before you can compile and run the program:

  1. Set the classpath environment variable. Append the following string to your class path that starts the Design API:


  2. Add the jar files for our DBMS JDBC drivers.
  3. Set the -Dreporthome parameter to be the same as the root path of JReport Server.
  4. You will need to register the Server Design API licensed user and license key in your source code.