Creating a UDO manually

To create a UDO manually, follow the steps:

  1. Inherit from the class JROblectTemplate to create a template file.
  2. Inherit from the class JRVisiableResult or JRObjectResult to create a result file.
  3. Implement JRObjectResultCreator to create a result creator file.
  4. Implement interface JRObjectRender to create a result render file. If you want to display a UDO in the Design area, implement interface JRObjectEditor. If your UDO is a group level object, implement interface JRGroupListener.
  5. Modify the file udo.ini in <install_root>\lib by adding the following:
  6. Compile the Java files, add the classes to the class path of JReport Designer and run it.

    Note: If you want to use class files for the UDO which have been used in previous versions, you should re-compile the source files.

Following are two specific examples about creating UDOs: