Transforming a MongoDB schema to a relational schema

You can transform a MongoDB schema to a relational schema. In the transformation process, elements in the MongoDB schema will be transformed to tables according to the ideographic transformation rules, and the hierarchical logic in the MongoDB schema will be maintained in the transformed relational schema.

Transformation rules

When a MongoDB schema is transformed to a relational schema automatically, tables will be built based on the schema, and the following rules will be applied:

After a document is mapped to a table, the following elements in the document will be mapped to the columns in the table:

However, as MongoDB databases use dynamic schemas, a heterogeneous set of documents may be stored within a collection, and only when the data in an array is of the same data type, can it be supported by JReport Designer. The metadata must be extracted from the documents of a MongoDB collection. The following rules and method for a given document will be applied for the extract. And before the data type defined in the MongoDB BSON document can function with JReport Designer, it should first be converted into a corresponding data type when the MongoDB schema is transformed, following the rules in the data type conversion table.

Extracting rules

Extracting method

  1. Merge all documents into a single document:
    elementList=new List();
    MergeDocument( Document[] ){
    for each document in Document[]
    for each element in document
    if every E in the elementList does not have the same name as an existing element
    then add the element to elementList.
    If one element in elementList is a document, get all contents of the element in Document[] and merge them.
  2. For the merged document, get each element's name, type, and sub type to build an element in the metadata.

Data type conversion table

BSON Data Type ID BSON Data Type Name Is Simple Data SQL Type SQL Type Name
"\x01" Floating point Y 8 Double
"\x02" UTF-8 string Y 12 VARCHAR
"\x03" Embedded document N N/A  
"\x04" Array (containing simple data only) N 2003 ARRAY
"\x05" Binary data Y -3 VARBINARY
"\x06" Undefined — Deprecated N N/A  
"\x07" Objectld Y 1 CHAR (hex string presents 12 bytes)
"\x08" Boolean Y 16 BOOLEAN
"\x09" UTC datetime Y 93 TIMESTAMP
"\x0A" Null value N N/A  
"\x0B" Regular expression Y 12 VARCHAR
"\x0C" DBPointer — Deprecated N N/A  
"\x0D" JavaScript code Y 12 VARCHAR
"\x0E" Symbol — Deprecated N N/A  
"\x0F" JavaScript code w/ scope Y 12 VARCHAR
"\x10" 32-bit Integer Y 4 INTEGER
"\x11" Timestamp Y 93 TIMESTAMP
"\x12" 64-bit integer Y -5 BIGINT
"\xFF" Min key N N/A  
"\x7F" Max key N N/A  

Sub types for binary

BSON Data Type ID SQL Data Type Name
\x00" Binary / Generic
"\x01" Function
"\x02" Binary (Old)
"\x03" UUID (Old)
"\x04" UUID
"\x05" MD5
"\x80" User defined

MongoDB hierarchical logic in relational schema

The XML hierarchical logic will be maintained in the transformed relational schema. The parent-child relationship in the MongoDB schema can be maintained by primary key and foreign key in tables, and this relationship can be reproduced by applying the join of the primary key and foreign key. The business view is based on query. The join will be pushed down to MongoDB with Map/Reduce. If MongoDB contains huge detail data, it is suggested to set the Prefetch property of the business view to false.