
If you get an "ArrayOutOfBound" error or a "Not all variables are bound" error while importing a stored procedure, you can check the below points:

When you get a NegativeArraySizeException error while running a report designed with a stored procedure, you can check whether some UDS columns return a negative scale (right-click the UDS column, select Properties, and then check Scale). If yes, it means that your original table column called by the stored procedure is likely to be of a Float data type. This returns the wrong Scale for the UDS column. Follow the steps below to modify the UDS column's scale:

  1. Open the Catalog Browser and click the Options button on the toolbar.
  2. In the Category box of the Options dialog, select Catalog, uncheck the option Forbid editing data object properties, and then click the OK button.
  3. Highlight the UDS column name that you are having the problem with and click the Expand button on the toolbar to show the Properties sheet. Now you can change the property values, such as SQL type, precision, and scale to the correct values. For instance, you can change the negative scale of the problematic column to the correct value.