Comparison Function dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Comparison Function button in the Display screen of the crosstab wizard. It helps you to add a comparison function as an aggregate for a crosstab. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:


Specifies the function of the calculation: Percentage, Permillage, or Difference.

Comparison Function Spans on Row Direction

If checked, the comparison function will be placed into the column total cell of the crosstab.

Comparison Function Spans on Column Direction

If checked, the comparison function will be placed into the row total cell of the crosstab.

Break by

Items in the drop-down list vary with the position of the comparison function. It specifies the first parameter (aggregate or subtotal) of the comparison function.

Refer to

Specifies the item as the other parameter of the comparison function.


Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.


Displays this help document.

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