Edit Display Name for Component dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Advanced button in the Edit Display Name dialog, or right-click a data container and select Edit Display Name from the shortcut menu in the design area. It helps you to define in which actions display names of fields in the data container will take part in Page Report Studio. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:


Resource Name

Displays the names of fields in the selected component.

Display Name

Shows the display names for fields in the selected component.

Action columns

Indicates whether the actions are enabled for the fields. When an action is enabled for a field, the field's display name instead of the mapping name will be shown in the corresponding dialog or submenu in Page Report Studio; when not enabled, end users will not be able to perform this action on the field in Page Report Studio. If the display name of any field is set to be blank, the field will not be available for any of the actions below. Check the box on the column header to enable the corresponding action on all fields.


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.


Displays this help document.

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