Edit View Element dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click any view element of a business view and select Edit from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit the specified view element, and consists of the following tabs:


Applies all changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.


Displays this help document.

General tab

Sets properties for the view element. See the dialog.

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the view element which is intuitive to the end user.

Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the field to which the view element is mapped. Click to select the field.


Specifies the type of the view element.

Aggregate Function

Available only when the view element is an aggregation. It specifies the function for the aggregation object. For details about each function, see Math functions.


Specifies the tooltip of the view element which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over the element in the Resources panel of Web Report Studio.


Specifies the description of the view element.

Security tab

Specifies user accessibility to members of the group objects in all the business views in current data source. See the tab.

For details about options in the tab, refer to Edit Business View Security dialog.

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