Get JDBC Connection Information dialog

This dialog appears when you select JDBC or HIVE and click OK in the New Data Source dialog, or in the Catalog Browser right-click the Relational node and select Add JDBC Connection from the shortcut menu or right-click an existing JDBC or HIVE connection and select Edit Connection from the shortcut menu. It is used to get or create JDBC or HIVE connection information. It lists the database objects which are accessible through JDBC or JDBC-ODBC Bridge. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Connection List

Contains the previously added connection information. The format of the connection information is:

JDBC URL/(JDBC Driver Name)

For example:


Choose one of the connection information from the Connection List, the JDBC URL and driver name will then be displayed in the corresponding text fields.

Use ODBC Data Source

By default, this checkbox is checked. It indicates that an ODBC Data Source will be used.

Use Connection Pool

Specifies to connect the database through a WebLogic connection pool.


Enabled when Use ODBC Data Source and Use Connection Pool are both unchecked. Here you should input the JDBC driver class name that this connection will use. Otherwise, JReport will try all JDBC drivers specified in the file in <install_root>\bin for the JDBC URL given to you when it tries to setup a database connection. That is to say, JDBC driver's names also can be added into that property file.


Specifies the valid JDBC URL which can establish a connection to the database that is to be used. The valid format of the URL should be provided by your JDBC Driver.


Specifies the user ID used for accessing the database through the ODBC data source.


Specifies the password used for accessing the database through the ODBC data source.


Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Displays this help document.


These options are designed for experienced users, and when your database has some special requirements.

Qualifier tab

Date Format tab

Different database systems use different Date and Time formats for Date and Time values. The Date Format tab is for specifying the format, so that when JReport sends the SQL statement with Date or Time parameters, they can be correctly translated into the format of your database system.

For example, in an Oracle database, by default, the Date format is 'dd-MMM-yy'. However, in a Sybase database system, the Date format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'. Thus, the Date format in the connection object is required to be modified accordingly, in order for the JReport generated SQL statements to function correctly with the database.

Transaction tab

Pre-join tab

Specifies whether or not to enable the Pre-join feature when building a query or defining join relationships in business cubes.

Schema tab

Other tab

When parameters are used to build queries, there may be special characters in the parameter values like a back slash (\), and you would like them to be interpreted literally, rather than as a special character. Then you can replace the special characters with another string according to your database. For example, for MySQL database, use \\ to represent \.

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