
The following are details about options of this category. See the dialog.


Specifies the browser for previewing reports.

Preview using temporary file

Specifies whether to preview reports that you design in JReport Designer using a temporary file.

Start JReport Server when previewing report

Specifies whether to start JReport Server at the same time when you preview a report.

Start JReport Server when starting Designer

Specifies whether to start JReport Server when Designer is started.


Specifies the port as the TCP port to which JReport Server listens.

Administration Port

Specifies the port used for remote administration.

Run Linked Report

Specifies whether or not to generate the linked reports when previewing the primary reports in all formats except for Web Report and Page Report. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.

Restore Defaults

Restores values of all options to be the default ones.