Select Folder dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Browse button next to the Publish Resource To text field in the Publish to JReport Server dialog or the Browse button next to the Download Resource From text field in the Download from JReport Server dialog. It helps you to specify the folder on the server where you want the resources to be published or from which resources will be downloaded. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:


Lists folders on JReport Server in a tree structure.

Detail Information

Shows the detailed information of sub folders in the selected folder.

New Folder

Creates a new folder in the selected folder. You can rename the folder by double-clicking the folder in the folder tree.

This button is available only when the dialog is opened by clicking the Browse button next to the Publish Resource To text field in the Publish to JReport Server dialog.


Saves the information and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.


Displays this help document.