Welcome to the JReport Designer User's Guide

This User's Guide describes JReport Designer. JReport Designer is a report development environment that enables sophisticated report design and presentation of critical business data. Report designers can easily access data from any data source and generate highly formatted reports to deliver information to authorized end users in the most relevant and intuitive manner.

This guide is written for report developers or Java application developers that want to embed JReport reports into their application.

How to use this guide

There are three ways you can navigate through the guide by using the navigation panel to the left of this text. However, if you are using Google Chrome, because of its security policy to not allow local file access by default, this guide will not be displayed normally. To solve this, you have to add the parameter --allow-file-access-from-files to the Target property of your Google Chrome shortcut, then launch Chrome with this shortcut and open the guide in it. The guide is located in your <install_root>\help\userguide\designer folder.

Other JReport documentation

This guide is one in the complete JReport documentation set. The documentation set includes the following: