Localizing page navigation links in HTML report outputs

When a report is exported to HTML format, the names of page navigation links in the report, such as First, Previous, Next, and Last, can be localized according to your requirements.

To localize the link names:

  1. Create the sub directories in <designer_install_root> as follows: <designer_install_root>\resources\report\languages\[language-locale]\properties. For example, C:\JReport\Designer\resources\report\languages\zh-cn\properties.

    For detailed information about the abbreviation for each language and locale, see Appendix 3: Language and Region name list for National Language Support.

  2. Create a report.properties file in the properties directory.
  3. Open the property file and copy the following contents to it:
    # The following is the report properties file format that can localize the link names in HTML.
    4000107=@CurrentPageNumber; of @TotalPageNumber;
  4. Translate the text after = to the specified language.

    For the line "4000107=@CurrentPageNumber; of @TotalPageNumber;", you just need to translate "of" to the desired language. In the HTML outputs, @CurrentPageNumber will be replaced by the current page number, and @TotalPageNumber by the report total page number.

  5. Save the property file with UTF-8 encoding.
  6. Copy the property file to the <jdk_install_root>\bin directory.
  7. Convert the contents in the property file into Unicode using native2ascii.exe in <jdk_install_root>\bin by running the following command:

    C:\jdk1.6.0_17\bin>native2ascii -encoding utf-8 report.properties > newreport.properties

    Note: When you convert your property file to the same directory as the original one, you need to give it a new name instead of replacing the original in order to avoid problems.

  8. Delete report.properties in <designer_install_root>\resources\report\languages\[language-locale]\properties and copy newreport.properties in <jdk_install_root>\bin to it, and then name the property file back to report.properties.
  9. Start JReport Designer and open a multi-page report, select the language defined for the property file from the language drop-down list on the NLS toolbar.
  10. Click File > Export > HTML to export the report to HTML, and then in the exported HTML results, you will find that the page navigation links are displayed in the language you specified.