User defined format for parameters

How can you define formats for different types of parameters? The most commonly used are the Date and Time formats.

Date format syntax

To specify the time format, use a time pattern string. In this pattern, all ASCII letters are reserved as pattern letters, and are defined as follows:

Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
G Era designator Text AD
y Year Number 1996
M Month in a year Text & Number July & 07
d Day in a month Number 10
h Hour in am/pm (1~12) Number 12
H Hour in a day (0~23) Number 0
m Minute in an hour Number 30
s Second in a minute Number 55
S millisecond Number 978
E Day in a week Text Tuesday
D Day in a year Number 189
F Day of the week in a month Number 2 (2nd Wed in July)
w Week in a year Number 27
W Week in a month Number 2
a Am/pm marker Text PM
k Hour in a day (1~24) Number 24
K Hour in am/pm (0~11) Number 0
z Time zone Text Pacific Standard Time
' Escape for text    
'' Single quote    



Decimal number format syntax

Symbol Meaning Notes
0 A digit  
* A digit, zero shows as a star Can't mix 0, *, and _ in same format
_ A digit, zero shows as a space Can't mix 0, *, and _ in same format
# A digit, zero shows as absent  
. Placeholder for decimal separator  
, Placeholder for grouping delimiter Shows the interval to be used
; Separates formats positive and negative.
- If there is no explicit negative sign, - is prefixed "0.00" -> "0.00;-0.00"
% Divides by 100 and shows as a percentage  
X Any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix   

String format syntax

Symbol Meaning Example
% Any string of zero or more characters. WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds all book titles with the word 'computer' anywhere in the book title.
_ (underscore) Any single character. WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all four-letter first names that end with ean (Dean, Sean, and so on).
[ ] Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]). WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and beginning with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen, Larsen, Karsen, and so on.
[^] Any single character not within the specified range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]). WHERE au_lname LIKE 'de[^l]%' all author last names beginning with de and where the following letter is not l.