MongoDB connection

The properties of a MongoDB connection are:

Property Name Description
Connection Options Specifies the options used to connect to the MongoDB server. The options are name=value pairs and the pairs are separated by "&".

Data type: String

Description Specifies the description of the MongoDB connection.

Data type: String

Name Specifies the name of the MongoDB connection.

Data type: String


Specifies the password for connecting to the MongoDB database, which is determined by the database administrator.

When the catalog is saved as xml format, the password will be encrypted by an algorithm and stored in an xml catalog file, and it will be decrypted when the xml format catalog is loaded.

Data type: String

Pre-join Applies the pre-join information defined on the data source in which the connection is set when building a query or defining join relationships in business cubes in the same data source. This property is read only.
Push Down Group Query Specifies whether to push down group level summary computations in reports to the DBMS at runtime. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • true - JReport will push down the group level summary computations to the DBMS if the DBMS can do the computations, otherwise, JReport will do the computations itself.
  • false - JReport will do the group level summary computations itself.

Data type: Boolean

Server Address

Displays a list of replica set members or MongoDBs, including IP/host name and port pairs. This property is read only.

If the list contains no IP/host name and port pairs, it means connecting to the local host with the default port of MongoDB. For each pair in the list, the IP/host name can't be null, while, the port can be null. When the port is null, it means connecting to the MongoDB by the default port.

User Specifies the user name for connecting to the database, which is determined by the database administrator.

Data type: String