XML schema

The properties of an XML schema are:

Property Name Description
Data Type Specifies the data type of the element or attribute. This property on the reference of element cannot be modified.
Default Value Displays the value for the element or attribute, of which there is no specific value in the XML instance. This property is read only.
Fixed Value Displays the value for the element or attribute. This property is read only.
Format Pattern Displays the format pattern for data of Date, Time or DateTime type. This property is read only.
Format Pattern Type Specifies the format pattern type for the element, attribute or reference of element. It is editable only for data of Date, Time or DateTime type.
Is Multiple Indicates whether or not the element occurs more than once in the XML instance. This property is read only.
List Specifies whether or not to set the data type of the element or attribute as List. This property on the reference of element cannot be modified.
List Delimiter Displays the delimiter to separate items in a list. This property is read only.
Name Displays the name of the element, attribute or reference of element in the XML instance. This property is read only.
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