
The properties of the library component contents are:

Property Name Description
Click Priority Specifies the priority of the actions that will be triggered at runtime when you click on certain objects in the library component which are bound with some actions. Click in the value cell to set the priority in the Click Priority dialog.

Data type: String

Height Specifies the normal height of the contents in inches. Enter a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Horizontal Auto Fit Specifies whether to change the width of the component in the contents automatically to fit the content width when the component is resized in JDashboard.

Data type: Boolean

Minimum Height Specifies the minimum auto fit height of the contents in inches. The property works only when Vertical Auto Fit is set to true. Enter a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Minimum Width Specifies the minimum auto fit width of the contents in inches. The property works only when Horizontal Auto Fit is set to true. Enter a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

Scroll Bar Specifies whether to show the scrollbar when the minimum size of the library component is larger than its actual size at runtime in JDashboard.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Auto Fit Specifies whether to change the height of the component in the contents automatically to fit the content height when the component is resized in JDashboard.

Data type: Boolean

Width Specifies the normal width of the contents in inches. Enter a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

Class Indicates the CSS class that will be applied to the object. This property is read only.

Data type: String

The following topic lists properties of the child objects of the library component contents: