
The properties of a dataset in a library component are:

Property Name Description
Data Source Name Specifies the name of the data source. This property is read only.
Query Name Shows the name of the query in use. This property is read only.
Data Driver Specifies the cached query result file as the data resource. Usually used for support purpose.

The input format for cached query result file is as follows: jrquery:/jet.universe.resultfile.UResultFileResultSet;Fullpath_of_cached_query_result

Data type: String

Maximum Records Specifies the maximum number of records you want to display for all of the data containers using this dataset. The default is to display all the records.

Data type: Integer

Security Policy Name Specifies the name of the data source security imported from the catalog. Choose a security policy from the value drop-down list.

Data type: String

Note: Column-level security (CLS) is not supported on library component at present, so for a library component, only the data source security policies which have not been defined with CLS will be available in the value list.

Data Buffer
Maximum Page Number Specifies the maximum number of pages in the data buffer.

Data type: Integer

Records per Page Specifies the number of records in each page in the data buffer.

Data type: Integer
