
The properties of the wrapper of a library component are:

Property Name Description
Author Specifies the author of the library component.

Data type: String

Author Email Specifies the author's e-mail address.

Data type: String

Description Specifies the description of the library component.

Data type: String

Title Specifies the title of the library component.

Data type: String

Class Indicates the CSS class that will be applied to the title bar of the library component. This property is read only.
Enable Auto Refresh Specifies whether to automatically refresh the objects in the library component which are not bound with data at runtime based on a defined interval.

Data type: Boolean

Interval Specifies the time interval between two auto refreshes. It ranges from 0 to 86400 seconds. Enter a numeric value to change the interval. It is meaningful to specify the property when Enable Auto Refresh is set to true.

Data type: Integer