
The properties of a line object in a shape map of a page report are listed as follows:

Property Name Description
Class Type Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.
Instance Name Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.
Invisible Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All formulas and calculations will still be performed.

Data type: Boolean

Line Property
Line Color Specifies the color of the line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill effect.

Data type: String

Line Style Specifies the style of the line. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Line Thickness Specifies the thickness of the line. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

External CSS Class Selector Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a valid class name from the CSS file.

Data type: String

External ID It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object, which must be unique in the report.

Data type: String

External Style It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for the object.

Data type: String

Language It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of the object's attribute values and text content.

Data type: String