Web report

The properties of a web report are:

Property Name Description
Default Format for Viewing Report Specifies the default format with which to view the report on JReport Server. The default value is to adopt the JReport Server setting. If you select a specific format, you can click the button beside to further configure the format settings.

After this property is configured, it will only control the directly-running results of the report on JReport Server, but has no effect on the results of advanced running and scheduled running.

  • <Server Setting>
    Adopts the format setting on JReport Server.
  • HTML
    Specifies to display the report in HTML format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the HTML Option dialog.
  • PDF
    Specifies to display the report in PDF format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the PDF Option dialog.
  • Excel
    Specifies to display the report in Excel format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the Excel Option dialog.
  • Text
    Specifies to display the report in Text format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the Text Option dialog.
  • RTF
    Specifies to display the report in RTF format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the RTF Option dialog.
  • XML
    Specifies to display the report in XML format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the XML Option dialog.
  • PostScript
    Specifies to display the report in PostScript format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the PostScript Option dialog.
  • Applet
    Specifies to display the report in Applet format. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the Applet Option dialog. Web reports cannot run in Applet.
  • Web Report
    Specifies to display the report in Web Report Studio. Click in the value cell to configure the format settings in the Web Report Option dialog.

Data type: Enumeration

Result Buffer
Result Buffer Size Specifies the number of report results pages which will be stored in the buffer.

Data type: Integer

Click Priority Specifies the priority of the actions that will be triggered at runtime when you click on certain objects in the report which are bound with some actions. Click in the value cell to set the priority in the Click Priority dialog.

Data type: String

Embedded Fonts Specifies the True Type Fonts that have been used in the report so as to embed them if you want to export the report results to a PDF file. You can select multiple fonts by pressing the Ctrl or Shift key.

For more information, refer to Delivering the result in PDF.

Data type: String

No Temp File Specifies whether or not to create temporary files.
  • true - Not to create temporary files. Gains faster engine performance.
  • false - To create temporary files. Gains better accuracy in calculating data.

Data type: Boolean

Page Background Specifies the background color of the report page. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Style Group Specifies the style group for the report.

If the report is to be used as a subreport or linked report, choosing any style group from the drop-down list to turn on the style group feature for the report and it will inherit the styles of the primary report; choosing None or leaving this property empty to turn off the style group feature for the report and it will not inherit styles from the primary report.

Data type: String

No Page Break If true, there will be no page breaks on each individual sheet when exporting a report to Excel with the option Column Format selected in the Export to Excel dialog. This means the column headings will appear just at the top of the Excel spreadsheet and will not be repeated throughout the report. If the report breaks to a new sheet then once again the page header will display.

Data type: Boolean

Note: Exporting a report to an Excel file without page breaks means the split pages are technically merged within the Excel sheet, which could bring the following results and limitations:

  • In the exported Excel format file, only one page header panel and one page footer panel in the banded object will be displayed in each sheet. Only the first banded page header and the last banded page footer will be displayed in the exported result. As for tables, only the first table header and the last table footer will be exported.
  • You cannot get a continuous table or banded object if the report has other objects in horizontal locations. All split parts of the horizontal table will be exported vertically.
  • Merging tables or crosstabs together will extend the Excel sheet, which may cover other objects if they happen to be in the extended direction. When merging crosstabs together, the column/row index might be extended over the Excel sheet range, and the report part which is out of this range will get lost in the result file.
  • If a whole merged crosstab gets quite large, it might cause an out of memory condition during the exporting process.