In the Query Editor window, select Add Table from the Query menu to bring up the Add Table dialog. See the dialog.
Select a schema from the Schemas box if the database supports schema. The tables contained in the selected schema will then be displayed in the Tables box.
If required, check Include Added Table to make the tables that have been added to the query available in the Tables box.
If this option is checked, when you click the Add button to add a table that has already been added to the query once, the Input Table Name dialog will be displayed, asking you to give the new table a different name.
Select the required tables in the Tables box and then click the Add button (or double-click the required table to add it to the query). For query in a MongoDB connection, the tables added to it must belong to the same collection.
Click the Done button to close the Add Table dialog.
Click Arrange Tables in the Query menu to organize the tables.
Select the required columns in each table. The columns will be displayed in the criteria panel of the Query Editor.
To remove tables from a query:
Select the table that you want to delete in the Query Editor window.
Click Delete Table on the Query menu.
Repeat the above steps to delete other tables.
For tables added to a query, you can decide whether or not show the full name of the fields (with table names) by checking the option Show Mapping Names on the Query menu.
After deleting a table from a query, any joins based on the table will be moved.
In the criteria panel, if you do not want to show the table names for the selected columns, you can uncheck Show Table Names on the Query menu.
To delete a column in a table, select the column in the criteria panel and click Delete Column on the Column menu. You can also undo the deletion by finding the field in the table and placing a check mark beside it.