Using pre-joins in queries

JReport Designer provides you with the option of choosing whether or not to use the Pre-join feature when creating queries. If you want to use it, you must have this option enabled.

To turn on the Pre-join feature:

  1. Make sure Forbid editing data object properties in the Catalog category of the Options dialog is unchecked.
  2. Right-click the current data source connection node in the Catalog Browser and select Properties to expand the Properties sheet.
  3. Set the Pre-join property of the connection to true.

Then, when you add tables contained in the connection to the query, which have been predefined some join relationship, the pre-joins will be automatically applied to the tables.

Note: If you are using a JDBC connection, you can turn on the pre-join feature in another way:

  1. Right-click the connection and select Edit Connection from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, switch to the Pre-join tab, check the Pre-join option, and then click OK to confirm.

Creating queries using pre-join

When you create a query using the pre-join feature, the following cases may appear:

Editing queries using pre-join

One query is bound with at most one path. Once a path has been specified for a query, when you modify the relationships among the tables, you can make changes to a specific query based on that path, but the path itself will not be changed. When you edit a query, the following cases may appear: