Importing report tabs into a page report

JReport enables you to import report tabs to a page report from another page report in the same catalog, and specify dataset for the imported components according to your requirements.

To import report tabs from another page report:

  1. Click File > Import From > JReport Page Report.
  2. In the Open Report dialog, specify the page report that contains the report tabs you want to import, then click Open.

    The Select Report Tab dialog appears. See the dialog.

  3. Select the report tabs that you want to import.
  4. If you want to customize datasets used by components within the to be imported report tabs, check the Customize Dataset for Components option. Then click OK and the Customize Dataset dialog will be displayed. See the dialog.
  5. All components in the selected report tabs, which have self-bound datasets, will be listed in the dialog. Specify which dataset you want the component to use by clicking its Dataset Name cell and choosing from the drop-down list.
  6. Click OK to import the report tabs with specified datasets to their components. The imported report tabs will be listed after the existing report tabs in the page report.