Configuring JReport products

Configuring JReport Designer

By default, JReport Designer uses its own security system. If you want to enable the Security Context Support, you will first need to configure the config.xml file in <designer_install_root>\bin.

  1. Add the elements <SecurityContextFactory value=""/> and <DeployWizardFactory value=""/> as the child of the element <Option>.
  2. Implement classes to the attribute values. For example, part of the config.xml file might be as follows:
        <SecurityContextFactory value="com.utify.JRSecurityContextFactoryImpl"/> 
        <DeployWizardFactory value="com.utify.JRDeployWizardFactoryImpl"/> 
  3. Add the root path of the implementing class packages to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.bat in <install_root>\bin.

Configuring JReport Server

Security Context interfaces in JReport Server are different from those of JReport Designer, and you will have to implement the Server interfaces separately.

  1. Before you can use the Security Context feature, first configure the file in <server_install_root>\bin.

    Open the server.properites file, and then modify (add if it doesn't exist) the value of the property com.jinfonet.securityContextFactory to be that of your SecurityContextFactory implementing class package and name as follows:

    com.jinfonet.securityContextFactory = mypackage.myclass

    Note: Alternatively, you can add the parameter –D com.jinfonet.securityContextFactory = mypackage.myclass to the file JRServer.bat with which you start your JReport Server.

  2. Add the root path of the implementing class packages to the class path of the file JRServer.bat.