Accessing Visual Analysis via URL

All the parameters are encapsulated as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects. It will help if you obtain some knowledge on JSON to understand the syntax more clearly. 


ResourceDef: {
"name":"/SampleReports/", // Required. The resource file name with its full path. The path could be a disk path or a server resource tree path. For the latter, it could be either in the My Reports folder (/USERFOLDERPATH/admin/) or in the Public Reports folder (/).
"ver":" -1", // Optional. The version number of the resource.
"real":"false" // Optional. Value: true/false. true means the resource path is a real disk path and false means a server resource tree path. When it is a real path, "real":"true" must be specified. 

// catDef: It's a ResourceDef object to describe a catalog resource.
ResourceDef catDef = {name:"/SampleReports/"}
"name":"xxx", // Required. The full path of the catalog.
"ver":"-1", // Optional.
"real":"false" // Optional.

// vaDef: It's a ResourceDef object to describe a Visual Analysis resource.
ResourceDef vaDef = {name:"/SampleReports/VisualComponent"}
"name":"xxx", // Required. The full path of the Visual Analysis resource.
"ver":"-1", // Optional.
"real":"false" // Optional.

DataSource: {
"catalog":"$catDef", // Catalog.
"ds:"Data Source 1", // Data source name.
"query":"Query1", // Query name.
"bv":"WorldWideSalesBV" // Business view name.

// dsDef: It's a DataSource object to describe a Visual Analysis data source.
"catalog":"$catDef", // Catalog.
"ds:"Data Source 1", // Data source name.
"query":"Query1", // Query name.
"bv":"WorldWideSalesBV" // Business view name.

For the usage of jrd_resext, refer to Running dashboards via URL.

Examples for creating a new Visual Analysis session

Examples for opening an existing Visual Analysis template