Catalog Bean classes

JReport Catalog Bean contains several classes: JRCatalog class, JRCatalogException class and ConnectionDesc class. Read this section to get detailed information.

JRCatalog class

The JReport Catalog is the principal class that manipulates and accesses a catalog. The application creates a JReport Catalog instance, and uses JReport Catalog methods to manipulate the catalog.

JReport Catalog has two properties:

JRCatalogException class

JRCatalogException is the class that describes the error information. This exception is thrown when an error occurs. This exception describes many kinds of errors. The error code in the exception represents the exception type. The error code and error message can be viewed through public means.

ConnectionDesc class

ConnectionDesc is the class that describes the JDBC connection information. This class is used to create/modify connections and get connection information.

Reference: JReport Javadoc jet.bean.JRCatalog, jet.bean.JRCatalogException and jet.universe.ConnectionDesc classes in <install_root>\help\api, which includes all the documents generated by Javadoc.