Configuring performance weight

If you have chosen the Weighted Min-load (loadbalance.type=2) algorithm for load balancing, you will have to configure a performance weight for each clustered server in the cluster. The higher performance weight you set to a clustered server, the higher chance it may get selected by the server that has the active scheduler during load balancing.

To configure performance weight:

  1. Start a clustered server in the cluster, on its JReport Administration page, click Cluster > Weight to show the Weight panel.
  2. Specify a weight value for each clustered server manually. Performance weight is a positive float number.
  3. Click OK to save the weight values.
  4. If you want to test each clustered server's performance weight value at current time, specify a catalog and a report that will be used for the testing in the Catalog and Report text fields and then click the Test button.

The following are two examples for how Least Weighted Current Reports algorithm works:

Example 1 - when there are free servers:

Active Servers ServerA ServerB ServerC Comments
Is local server TRUE FALSE FALSE  
Maximum concurrent reports 8 Unlimited 5  
Number of currently running reports 6 6 5  
Performance weight 10 10 10  
Weighted current reports 0.6 0.6 0.5  
Is free TRUE TRUE FALSE Current < MaxConcurrent, or MaxConcurrent is unlimited
Candidate servers YES YES   Select from free servers
Candidate servers YES YES   Select servers which have the least Weighted current reports
Selected server YES     Local server has higher priority

Example 2 - when there are no free servers:

Active Servers ServerA ServerB ServerC Comments
Is local server TRUE FALSE FALSE  
Maximum concurrent reports 10 10 10  
Number of currently running reports 10 10 10  
Performance weight 4 5 8  
Weighted current reports 2.5 2 1.25  
Is free FALSE FALSE FALSE Current < MaxConcurrent, or MaxConcurrent is unlimited
Candidate servers YES YES YES Selects from all servers when all servers are full
Candidate servers     YES Select servers which have the least Weighted current reports
Selected server     YES Select ServerC