Manipulating data components

You can manipulate data components, which refer to crosstabs, tables, charts, and geographic maps, in dashboards as shown below.

Applying a style to a data component

Right-click in the component, then on the shortcut menu, select a style from the Apply Style submenu.

Going through the data of tables, crosstabs and charts

Going actions enable you to switch among data groups freely for viewing different records without having to create a new data component. They can be performed on table groups, crosstab column/row headers, and data labels on the chart category/series axis as well as the legend entry labels.

Choose the proper one to meet your needs from the following:

Note: When performing the go-down action, if the group objects are also defined with some links, you can go down to the next level with a single click only when the click priority of the go-down action is specified to be the highest at design time. Otherwise, you have to use the Go Down command on the objects' shortcut menu to perform the action.

For example demonstration of them, refer to Going through the report data.

The go-to-by-value or go-down actions always happen along with the generation of a filter condition. The filters are displayed as "FieldName:Value" at the bottom of the library components, in a row one by one from left to right according to the time they are generated. When the row cannot hold all of the filters, two buttons are displayed at the two ends of the row for scrolling through the filters to the left and right. Each click on the button will show one hidden filter. To remove a filter condition, click X right to it.

Customizing the data format of values in tables, crosstabs and charts

To customize the data format of the values of a field in a table or crosstab, right-click on any value of the field, then select a format from the Format submenu, or input a format in the text box at the bottom of the submenu and click Enter on the keyboard.

You can also customize the data format of the legend entry labels and data labels on the category and series axes if they are of Number or Date/Time type. To do this, right-click on the labels and select the required format from the Format submenu, or input a format in the text box at the bottom of the submenu and click Enter on the keyboard.

Removing component level filters from a data component

On the shortcut menu of data components, there is an option Remove Filters which is used to remove filter conditions generated via the configuration panel and via message delivery from the data components. These two kinds of filters are referred to as component-level filters.

In dashboards you can also use sliders and filter controls to do filtering, however filters created by sliders or filter controls are not under the control of the removing component level filter action, because they are regarded as dashboard-level filters.

Manipulating a table

Manipulating a crosstab

Manipulating a chart

Manipulating geographic map group markers/areas