Running and editing reports in JDashboard

In addition to running reports from the JReport Server user console page, JDashboard also provides an entry for displaying reports directly from your application. When using JDashboard, you do not have to switch to the server user console page in order to open a report and edit it.

Viewing a report in JDashboard launches its fully functional editor together with the report in a tab in JDashboard. The tab name is the report name. When it is a page report, the corresponding page report editor will be available, and for a web report, the web report editor will be available. With the report editor, reports can be edited directly in JDashboard.

To open a report in JDashboard, click Show Resources on the side bar to open the Resources panel. Then in the Reports node, browse to the target report and drag it to the editing area, the report will be loaded. If the report uses parameters, you will be asked to specify the parameter values first before the report is displayed.

For how to edit a page report (.cls), refer to Page Report Studio - Interactive Reports. For how to edit a web report (.wls), refer to Editing web reports in Web Report Studio.

To close an open report, click x on the report tab or on the toolbar in the tab.