Exporting the result by using a JavaScript function

JReport Server provides you with a JavaScript function which allows you to open the report result or export it in a specified format. You can find this function in the file API.js in <server_install_root>\public_html\javascript\dhtml, as shown below:

function user_oneStepExport(type, options)

The following explains this function's two arguments, type and options, in detail.

type - Specifies the export format.

options - Specifies the values of the options of each format. It is a string array whose member is of the format "key=value". The options and their usage are listed as follows:

Key Description Available Value Default Value
to_ver Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. true, false false
to_open Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. true, false false
to_local Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. true, false false
browser Specifies the web browser type. 0 - IE or Chrome

1 - Firefox

imagetype Specifies the type of the images in the result file. 0 - Decided by JReport

1 - GIF

2 - JPG

overflow Specifies the overflow type. 0 - VISIBLE



resolution Specifies the HTML resolution. Any integer between 1 and 4294967296 96
title Specifies the title for the HTML file. Any string ""
applet Specifies whether or not to export chart in Java applet format. true, false true
css Specifies whether or not to embed the cascading style sheet in the exported HTML files. true, false false
multi Specifies whether or not to generate an HTML file for each page of the report result. true, false false
hyperlink Specifies whether or not to contain hyperlinks in the HTML file. true, false false
pagenumber Specifies whether or not to contain page numbers in the HTML file. true, false false
drilldown Specifies whether or not to include the drilled-down file in the exported HTML file. true, false false
no_margin Specifies whether or not to remove the original margins. true, false false
absolute Specifies whether or not to make the font size fixed in the web browser. true, false false
to_ver Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. true, false false
to_open Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. true, false false
to_local Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. true, false false
no_margin Specifies whether or not to remove the margin. true, false false
simulate Specifies whether or not the mode is to be Simulated Printing Mode. true, false true
standard Specifies whether or not to set the mode as Standard Mode. true, false false
content Specifies whether or not to contain the TOC in the exported PDF file. true, false false
drilldown Specifies whether or not to include the drilled-down file in the exported PDF file. true, false false
encrypt Specifies whether or not to encrypt the report result. true, false false
compress Specifies whether or not to compress the images in the report. true, false false
ratio Specifies the percentage with which to compress the images in the report. Any integer between 1 to 100 20
compatibility Specifies the encryption compatibility. 0 - Acrobat 3.0 and later

1 - Acrobat 5.0 and later

doc_psw Specifies the password for opening the PDF file when encrypt=true. Any string ""
permi_pasw Specifies the password for printing and editing the PDF file when encrypt=true. Any string ""
printing Specifies the PDF printing mode. 0 - Prevents users from printing the file

4 - Allows low resolution-printing

2052 - Allows high-resolution printing

changes Defines which editing actions are allowed in the PDF file. 0 - Prevents users from making any changes to the file

1024 - Allows inserting, deleting, and rotating pages

256 - Allows users to fill in form fields and adding digital signatures.

32 - Allows users to fill in form fields and add digital signatures and comments

40 - Allows users to do anything except extracting pages

2108 - Allows all

enable_copy Specifies whether or not to allow users to copy the file contents. true, false false
enable_access Specifies whether or not to let visually impaired users read the document with window readers. true, false true
to_ver Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. true, false false
to_open Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. true, false false
to_local Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. true, false false
no_margin Specifies whether or not to remove the margins in the PS file. true, false false
to_version Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. true, false false
to_open Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. true, false false
to_local Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. true, false false
rtf_flow Specifies whether or not to apply a flow layout when exporting the report to RTF. true, false false
no_margin Specifies whether or not to remove the margins in the RTF file. true, false false
to_ver Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. true, false false
to_open Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. true, false false
to_local Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. true, false false
repeat Specifies whether or not to replace a field value of a record with that of its previous record if the field value is null. true, false false
compress Specifies whether or not to compress the clearance between columns. true, false false
win_linebreak Specifies whether or not to use Windows end-of-line characters. true, false true
normal Specifies whether or not to generate the report result to a standard text file. true, false true
quote_mark Specifies whether or not to mark the fields in the exported file with quotation marks. true, false false
head_foot Specifies whether or not to contain all headers and footers in the report. true, false true
delimiter Specifies the delimiter. Any single character  
width Specifies the user-defined character width. An integer  
height Specifies the user-defined character height. An integer  
to_ver Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. true, false false
to_open Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. true, false false
to_local Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. true, false false
wrap Specifies the word-wrap setting. 0 - All Keep Existing

1 - All Disabled

2 - All Enabled

new_layout Specifies whether or not to use the new layout mode. true, false true
shapes Specifies whether or not to include the shapes in the exported file. true, false false
excel_2000 Specifies whether or not to export the result in Data Format, which means only the report data will be exported without format. true, false false
advanced Specifies whether or not to apply the advanced options. true, false false
header Specifies the page header text. Any string  
footer Specifies the page footer text. Any string  
gridline Specifies whether or not to print gridlines when printing the exported Excel file. true, false false
to_ver Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. true, false false
to_open Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. true, false false
to_local Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. true, false false
only_data Specifies whether or not to only contain the database column information in the exported XML file. true, false false
schema Specifies the name of an existing schema file with its full path with which to generate the XML file. An existing schema file with its full path.  
