An introduction to business/report cubes

A business/report cube, which is needed for creating multidimensional data cubes, contains database connections and relationships between cube elements. The business/report cube shields report end users from having to understand the physical structure of a data source, and enables them to build reports and analyze data based on a set of cube elements they can understand. It also enables IT professionals to maintain control of the business data and ensure its integrity, while presenting end users with an intuitive view of the underlying data structures.

To make use of a business/report cube, you need to first define it at report design time in JReport Designer. For additional information, see Business/Report Cubes in the JReport Designer User's Guide.

A business/report cube may contain category objects and cube elements (dimension objects, measure objects, and detail information objects). You can insert these cube elements or remove them to change the report result when you view reports in Page Report Studio.