Log panel

Logs can help you find out the reasons of problems, track down the workflow of a business process, and debug trivial messages. Options for configuring JReport Server logs have been provided in this panel. You can configure settings for each log category. After you select a log type, all the other options in the panel are used to define the log type. See the panel.

The options in the Log panel are listed as follows:

Log Type

Specifies the log category. It can be specified as one of the following:


Specifies the brief description of the specified log type.

Trace Level

Used for logging something expectable or regular, such as tracing program workflow, logging runtime information and associated elements.

You can set the trace level of the specified log type to one of the following:

Error Level

Used for logging something unexpected or irregular. For example, a URL is unreachable, a file is not there, or a table cannot be found in a data source.

You can set the error level of the specified log type to one of the following:


Determines the inheritance of the appenders defined by the Logger's ancestors.

Log Destination

Specifies where the log contents will be outputted to.

If you have set log destination, the threshold level for each goal appender defines the basic log level which will be further filtered by JReport trace level and error level, and then comes out the final log output. Trace level and error level are JReport specific log levels developed based on Log4J. They group log information into two categories and add more levels to classify log information.

For example, if threshold=OFF, the trace level and error level will be ignored, and the log information output is none. If threshold=ALL, the output is determined by the trace level and error level. If threshold=one of the other levels, the output will be the result based on the trace level and error level that filter the threshold level.


Applies all changes to JReport Server.
