System DB panel

This panel is displayed when you click Data on the system toolbar of the JReport Administration page and then select System DB from the drop-down menu. It allows you to configure your system database and backup server data.

The following are tabs contained in the panel:

Configuration tab

This tab allows you to configure your system database to store server data. See the tab.

Driver Class Location

Specifies the path of the JDBC driver. It can be null, which means that JReport Server will load the driver from the VM's class path. Click the Browse button to specify the location for the driver class.


Specifies the name of the JDBC driver.


Specifies a valid URL that can be used to establish a connection to your database. For the valid format of the URL, refer to the handbook of the specific driver.


Specifies the JDBC user name for connecting to the database.


Specifies the user password.


Tests whether the JDBC configuration works.


Updates the JDBC configuration and saves it to disk.


Cancels the settings.

Backup tab

This tab allows you to back up your system database for archiving. See the tab.

Backup System DB

Backups JReport Server's system database to an archive. Click the Browse button to specify a file path to store the backup archive.


Begins the backup process.

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