Edit Additional Value dialog

This dialog is displayed when you add an additional value to the Show Values box in the chart wizard. It also appears when you select an existing additional value and then click the Edit button . The dialog helps you to edit an additional value. It varies according to value types.

If it is a constant value, options in the dialog are as follows. See the dialog.


Specifies the display name of the constant value, which will be shown under the subtype in the Show Values box.


Specifies a float number for the constant value.


Applies the settings and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog and discards any changes.


Displays this help document.

If it is an average value, options in the dialog are as follows. See the dialog.


Specifies the display name of the average value, which will be shown under the subtype in the Show Values box.

Based On

Specifies the aggregation object based on which the average value will be calculated.


Applies the settings and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog and discards any changes.


Displays this help document.