Format Graph dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click an indicator chart and select Format Graph from the shortcut menu. This dialog helps you to format the indicators of the indicator chart and contains the following tabs:


Applies the settings and closes this dialog.


Cancels the settings and closes this dialog.


Displays this help document.

General tab

Specifies the general properties of the indicator chart. See the tab.


Specifies the options for the indicators.

Color Range

Specifies different colors or images to fill the indicators.


Specifies the properties for values that do not fall into any of the ranges you have defined. Available only when the fields displayed on the value axis of the indicator chart are of String or Numeric type.

Border tab

Specifies the properties for border of the indicators. Applied when the indicators are not represented by images. See the tab.


Specifies the style of the indicator.

Line Style

Specifies the line style to apply to the border.


Specifies the thickness of the border, in pixels.

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border.


Specifies the transparency for color of the border.