Format Paper dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a chart and select Format Paper from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the paper of the chart and contains the following tabs:


Applies the settings and closes this dialog.


Cancels the settings and closes this dialog.


Displays this help document.

General tab

This tab shows some general information of the chart paper. See the tab.


Specifies the display name of the chart paper, which will be shown on the shortcut menu of the paper.


Specifies the width of the chart paper.


Specifies the height of the chart paper.

Fill Type

Specifies the type for filling the chart paper.


Indicates the background color of the chart paper.

To change the color, click the color indicator to select a color, or click More Colors in the color indicator to access the Color Picker dialog in which you can select a color within a wider range or input a color string in the format #RRGGBB. If you want to make the background transparent, input Transparent in the text box.


Specifies the transparency of the chart paper background.

Show Tip

Specifies whether to show the corresponding data information when the mouse pointer points at a target in the chart paper. Unavailable to org chart.

Show Category and Series

Specifies whether to show data of the category and value axes when the mouse pointer points at a target in the chart paper. It takes effect only when the option Show Tips is checked. Unavailable to org chart.

Layout Mode

Specifies the layout mode of the org chart. Available to org chart only.

Border tab

This tab shows information about borders of the chart paper. See the tab.

Line Style

Specifies the line style of the chart paper borders.

Border Type

Specifies the type of the chart paper borders.


Specifies the color of the chart paper borders.


Specifies the transparency of the chart paper borders.


Specifies the thickness of the chart paper borders.

Coordinate tab

You can use this tab to view and configure properties of the coordinates. Unavailable to org chart. See the tab.

Scale X

Specifies the scaling ratio for the X axis.

Scale Y

Specifies the scaling ratio for the Y axis.

Angle X

Specifies the rotation angle around the X axis. Applies to 3-D charts and pie charts.

Angle Y

Specifies the rotation angle around the Y axis. Applies to 3-D charts and pie charts.


Specifies the perspective effect of the chart. Input an integer to set the effect.

Graph tab

You can use this tab to view and configure properties of the graphic object. Unavailable to org chart.

This tab differs according to the following chart types:


Specifies the bar properties. See the tab.


Specifies the type of the bars.


Specifies the size of the bars.


Specifies the depth properties for the bars.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels.


Specifies the line/area properties. See the tab.


Specifies the size of the lines. Available to line chart only.


Specifies the depth properties of the lines/areas.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels.


Specifies the pie properties. See the tab.

Donut Hole

Specifies the percentage the hole’s thickness will take from the total radius of the donut pie circle. Available to donut pie chart only.


Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels.


Threshold Line tab

You can use this tab to view and configure properties of the threshold lines. Unavailable to org chart. See the tab.

Threshold Line1

Specifies the properties of the first threshold line.

Threshold Line2

Specifies the properties of the second threshold line.


Specifies the transparency of the threshold lines.