Format Value(Y) Axis dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a chart and select Format Axes (unavailable to pie or indicator chart) > Format Value(Y) Axis from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the value (Y) axis of the chart and contains the following tabs:


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Displays this help document.

Axis tab

Specifies the general properties for the axis. See the tab.


Specifies the options for the axis.


Specifies the line style for the axis.


Specifies the gap properties for the labels on the axis.

Tick Mark tab

The tab consists of two sub tabs: major tick mark tab, and minor tick mark tab.

Major Tick Mark tab

Specifies properties of the major tick marks on the axis. See the tab.


Specifies the type of the major tick marks on the axis.


Specifies the line properties of the major tick marks on the axis.


Specifies the other properties of the major tick mark labels on the axis.

Minor Tick Mark tab

Specifies properties of the minor tick marks on the axis. See the tab.


Specifies the type of the minor tick marks on the axis.


Specifies the line properties of the minor tick marks on the axis.

Font tab

Specifies the font format for text in the major tick mark labels on the axis. See the tab.


Specifies the font face of the label text.


Specifies the font size of the label text.

Fill Type

Specifies the fill type of the label text.


Specifies the color of the label text.


Specifies the transparency of the label text.

Font Style

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: Plain, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic.

Orientation tab

Specifies the rotation angle of the major tick mark labels on the axis. See the tab.


Specifies whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis automatically according to the length of the label text, in degrees.

When this option is checked by default:


Specifies to customize the rotation angle of the label text on the axis.

Format tab

Specifies the data format of the major tick mark labels on the axis. See the tab.


Lists the category types. Select one to customize its format.


Displays all the formats of the selected category. Select the required one and click Add to add it as the format of the specified category. You can add only one format for each category.


Displays the properties of the format you select. If the formats listed in the Format box cannot meet your requirement, define the format in the text field and then click Add to add it as the format of the specified category.


Displays the selected format effects.


Lists all the formats you select from different categories.


Adds a format to the Stack list box.


Removes a format from the Stack list box.


Applies the specified format in the Stack list box to the major tick mark labels.