Insert Table dialog

This dialog appears when you click Menu > Insert > Table, or drag Table from the Components panel to the destination. It helps you to insert a table into a report, and consists of the following tabs:

Table Title

Specifies a title for the table.

Sets the font, font style, size, alignment, font color and background color properties for the table title.

Data Source

Specifies a data source on which the table will be built from the data source drop-down list.


Opens the Query Filter dialog to specify the filter which you want to apply to the selected business view.

Table Type

Selects a type for the table you want from the Table Type drop-down list. By default, the Group Left Above is selected.

Display tab

Specifies the fields that you want to display in the table. See the tab.


Displays all the view elements in the selected business view.

Edits the selected dynamic resource.

Removes the selected dynamic resource.

Adds the selected view element to be displayed in the table.

Removes the selected view element.


Lists the view elements that have been added to the table.


Specifies the display names for the added view elements.

Moves the selected view element one step up.

Moves the selected view element one step down.

Group tab

Specifies the fields to group the data. See the tab.


Displays all the available group objects you can use to group the data in the table.

Adds the selected group object as a group field.

Removes the selected group object.


Lists all the group objects that have been added as the group fields.


Specifies the sort order for each group: Ascend, Descend, or No Sort.

Moves the selected group one step up.

Moves the selected group one step down.

Summary tab

Specifies the fields on which to create summaries. See the tab.


Displays all the available aggregation objects you can use to create summaries in the table.

Edits the selected dynamic resource.

Removes the selected dynamic resource.

Adds the selected aggregation object as the summary field.

Removes the selected aggregation object.


Lists the groups that have been added in the table and the aggregation objects added to summarize data in each group.

Moves the selected aggregation object one step up.

Moves the selected aggregation object one step down.


Inserts a table and closes the dialog.


Cancels the insertion and closes the dialog.


Displays this help document.