Data type

Type Description
Numeric Integer int 32-bit two's complement Defines a field containing a whole number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. Fractional values inserted into an Integer field are truncated. If specified as NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, null values will be replaced by zero.
long 64-bit two's complement A data type that holds large integers.
BigInt   Immutable arbitrary-precision integers.
Real Number float 32-bit IEEE 754 This data type defines an 32bit-IEEE standard 754 floating-point field. Floating-point fields can be defined as single or double (default) precision based on the value of Integer. If the value of integer is between 1 and 21, the type is single precision floating-point, which requires 4 bytes of storage. If the value of integer is between 22 and 53 inclusive, the type is double precision floating-point, which requires 8 bytes of storage. If a field is specified as NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, null values will be replaced by zero.
double 64-bit IEEE 754 This data type defines an 64-bit IEEE standard 754 floating-point field. Floating-point fields can be defined as single or double (default) precision based on the value of integer. If the value of integer is between 22 and 53 inclusive, the type is double precision floating-point, which requires 8 bytes of storage. If a field is specified as NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, null values will be replaced by zero.
currency   This data type contains a dollar amount between; -1012 and 1012 and is displayed in a user-defined format.


Type Description
DateTime Date MM/dd/yy MM/dd/yyyy Dates designate a point in time according to the Gregorian calendar. Historical dates may not follow this calendar. The standard input format for this data type is MM/dd/yy or MM/dd/yyyy (automatic conversion is performed between these two formats).
Time HH:mm:ss
The Time field data type is defined by the standard input format of HH:mm:ss (using hour in day 0--23) or hh:mm:ss (using in am/pm 1--12).
TimeStamp yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss This combination Date and Time data type is displayed in the format yyyy-MM-dd-HH:
Other Types Char 16-bit Unicode character A single character.
String   A data type that holds character information.
Boolean true or false True or false.


Format Description
yyyy An Integer from 0001 to 9999, representing a year.
MM An Integer from 1 to 12 representing a month
dd An Integer from 1 to 31 (maximum depends on the month and year) representing the day of the month.
HH An Integer from 0 to 23, representing the hour in day.
hh An Integer from 1 to 12, representing the hour in am/pm.
mm An Integer from 0 to 59, representing minutes.
ss An Integer from 0 to 59 representing seconds (default 0).
nnnnnn An Integer (up to 6 digits) representing microseconds. If any trailing digit is omitted, 0 is assumed.