Date Range

Note that all the following functions cannot be used to return a value singly.


This function returns a range of Data values that is within the previous 30 days from today. For example, if today is 10/14/99, the return range is from 09/15/99 to 10/14/99.


The return value of the following statement is Not Expired.

if (ToDate(1999,9,20) in Aged0To30Days())
  return "Not Expired"
  return "Expired"


This function returns a range of Data values that is within the previous 31 to 60 days from today date. For example, if today is 10/13/99, the return range is from 08/12/99 to 09/13/99.


If today is 10/13/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in Aged31To60Days()


This function returns a range of Data values that is within the previous 61 to 90 days from today date. For example, if today is 10/13/99, the return range is from 07/13/99 to 08/11/99.


If today is 10/13/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in Aged61To90Days()


This function returns a range of Data values that include any date from the present day to a date about 10000 years in the future Data value. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/15/98 to the future.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesFromToday()


This function returns a range of Data values that include any date from tomorrow to any future Data value. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/16/98 to the future.


If today is 10/10/99, the return of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesFromTomorrow()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates up through the present day. For example, if today is 4/15/98, the return range is from the past to 04/15/1998.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesToToday()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates up through the previous day. For example, if today is 4/15/98, the return range is from the past to 04/14/1998.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesToYesterday()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from January 1st through June 30th.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return Today() in Calendar1stHalf()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from January 1st through to March 31st.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return Today() in Calendar1stQtr()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from July 1st through to December 31st.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return Today() in Calendar2ndHalf()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from April 1st through to June 30th.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return Today() in Calendar2ndQtr()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from July 1st through to September 30th.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return Today() in Calendar3rdQtr()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from October 1st through December 31st.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return Today() in Calendar4thQtr()


This function returns a range of Data values that include the four weeks previous to last Sunday. For example, if today is 4/15/95, the return range is from 3/13/95 to 4/9/95.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Last4WeeksToSun()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from seven days ago to today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from (include) 04/09/98 to 04/15/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Last7Days()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from the first to the last day of the previous month. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 03/01/98 to 03/31/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastFullMonth()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from the Sunday to the Saturday of the previous week. For example, if today is 04/10/95, the return range is from 04/02/95 to 04/08/95.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastFullWeek()


This function returns a range of Data values that fall on any date in the current month last year, up to the current date last year. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/01/97 to 04/15/97.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastYearMTD()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates in the last year, up to the current date last year. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 01/01/97 to 04/15/97


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in LastYearYTD()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from the first day of the month to today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/01/98 to 04/15/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in MonthToDate()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 30 days starting from today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/15/98 to 05/15/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in Next30Days()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 31 to 60 days starting from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 05/16/98 to 06/14/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in Next31To60Days()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 61 to 90 days starting from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 06/15/98 to 07/14/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Next61To90Days()


This function Returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 91 to 365 days starting from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 07/15/98 to 04/15/99.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Next91To365Days()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all days that are more than 90 days older than the current date. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from the past to 01/14/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Over90Days()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all days from last Sunday to today (including today). For example, if today is 04/13/95, the return range is from 04/09/95 to 04/13/95.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in WeekToDateFromSun()


This function returns a range of Data values that include all days from the first day of the calendar year to today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 01/01/98 to 04/15/98.


If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in YearToDate()