Deploying to OC4J 10g R3 (

It is assumed that the JReport Server WAR file jreport.war is located in the /opt/JReport/Server/bin/distribute directory. To create the WAR file refer to the instructions in Building a WAR/EAR file to include a self-contained JReport Server.

To deploy JReport Server to OC4J 10g R3 (

  1. Start OC4J.
  2. On the Applications tab, click Deploy.
  3. In the Archive Location section, click Browse to select the jreport.war file in /opt/JReport/Server/bin/distribute. Then click Next.
  4. Type JRServer in the Application Name field, and type a context path such as /jreport in the Context Root field. Then click Next.
  5. Click Deploy to deploy the WAR.
  6. Access JReport Server using the following URLs:



If you run into problems when using JReport Server in the Oracle oc4j Application Server, send the log files of JReport Server to The following procedure illustrates how to generate the log files:

  1. Type -Dlogall=true in oc4j located in /oc4jhome/bin.
  2. Restart OC4J, and then try to reproduce the problem.
  3. After reproducing the problem, send the log files in reporthome/logs.