Using a customized implementation of jet.server.api.http.CustomizedServerEnv

You can implement the interface and add your class to the generated WAR/EAR file, then use the <env-entry></env-entry> tags to specify your implemented class in the target "web.xml" in the makewar.xml file or in ejb-jar.xml.

The following is an example of specifying a customized implementation of CustomizedServerEnv in the target web.xml in the makewar.xml file or in ejb-jar.xml using the <env-entry></env-entry> tags. Here the customized implementation of CustomizedServerEnv is named my.JReportServerEnv.

<!-- JReport Server calls my.JReportServerEnv to obtain reporthome and server properties.-->
    <env-entry-name>jreport.servenv</env-entry-name> <!-- must be jreport.servenv-->
    <env-entry-value>my.JReportServerEnv</env-entry-value> <!-- your class name --> 
