Integrating by building a JReport Server WAR
The self-contained JReport Server can be deployed as a single WAR file. After specifying the reporthome and configuring the database information, you can build the WAR file using the tool makewar.bat/ in <install_root>\bin
. To generate the WAR file, execute the command with the buildWar parameter. For example:
makewar.bat/ buildWar
Structure of the JReport Server WAR
For example, here you can create a JReport Server WAR file named jreport.war. The structure of the JReport Server WAR is as follows:
admin/ -- This folder contains JSP files for the JReport Administration page.
jinfonet/ -- This folder contains JSP files for the JReport Console page.
dhtmljsp/ --This folder contains JSP files for viewing DHTML reports.
The following is the default content in the web.xml file of the JReport Server WAR:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems,
Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"