Resolved/Known Issues in This Release

This document describes the resolved issues and any known issues for JReport in this release.

Resolved issues

Case #
64637 An XML file can now be displayed correctly when using advanced run with a report in XML format using Internet Explorer 9.
64642 An exported Excel file can now be generated normally when user exports a report to Excel on JReport Server with the option Preserve Report Formatting or Normal Formatting checked.
64697 JReport Designer no longer slows down after the user moves his mouse pointer over a few report components and then does a few delete and undo actions.
64702 JReport Server now uses the correct schema to access the TaskAudit table when they use two different schemas for the production and development server.
64762 Resolved the "HTTP 0" problem when doing page navigation within a tabular component running on JDashboard which has large volumes of data.
64774 The file name of an exported page report can now be correctly displayed.
64818 Users can now drag a newly created formula in an ad hoc report that returns a date type from the Resource View panel to the report.
64819 Ad hoc crosstab and chart reports can now be generated normally in JReport Server when setting the property Push Down Group Query to true on JReport Designer catalog and Automatic Cache has been checked on the JReport Administration page.
64821 The web report Export dialog and Select Field dialog can now be resized and the dialog buttons can be displayed completely under IE Compatibility View mode or when the Document Mode of IE is Quirks.
64849 Grant "Visible" permission only on new users to access resources controlled by Member Level Security during ad hoc reporting.
64859 The data in pie charts running on JDashboard are now displayed properly in Firefox when two values are equal or close to equal.
64865 JReport Server now uses the data order from the database when user sets the sort order on the category axis of a chart to No Sort.
64877 Now the title of the dashboard filter control can be displayed normally when the dataset for the filter is empty.
64879 Enhanced JReport Server performance when a constant interval is used in the charts to label the tick marks.
64882 The JReport Administration page is now displayed without error after user upgrades JReport Server 11.1 Update 2 to a higher version.
64895 Further enhance XSS security to prevent attacks by changing the user's parameter values via JavaScript.
64920 JReport Server now works normally when the same page report is scheduled to print multiple times with different parameters.
64938 Multi-value parameters can now be passed correctly when triggering the created schedules from another Java standalone program.
64940 Everything now works correctly on JReport Server when user clicks the Export or Print button on the RMI side in an AIX system.
64942 64971 Calendar components for date parameters can now be displayed normally on page/web reports running on Internet Explorer 9.
64956 Changed the TotalValue of a web table report to 0 if there is no data in it.
64958 The displaying and formatting of numeric fields in a page report are now kept properly after the report is published to JReport Server running on Linux system.
64964 Parameter control can now work properly in Page Report Studio when the parameter name contains the special character "@".
65010 Resolved the C0FF0001 error that occurs when user creates a web table report and then selects a field of type "double" after upgrading his JReport Server from V12.1 to a newer version.
65011 Publishing reports or catalogs from JReport Designer to JReport Server no longer results in java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException error.
65017 The existed user can now access a report published from JReport Designer by using an URL directly.
65029 The underline display font in an exported PDF file of the report now stays normal after JReport Server is upgraded to a newer version.
65036 User's changes to Profiling DB settings no longer go back to the default ones after restarting JReport Server.
65053 The dotted line and underline in user's page report can now be displayed normally after the report is exported to PDF in JReport Designer.
65073 The national language support feature is now supported on the server Calendar dialog.
65082 The exported Excel file can now be opened normally when user exports a report to Excel with Data Format checked in JReport Designer.
65100 Users are now able to export a web report to PDF or Excel format on JReport Server without getting any error message.
65116 Enhanced JReport Server performance when editing operations are being carried out in a web report that has several components.
65127 Protects users from Cross-Site Scripting attacks when they are generating or saving reports using Internet Explorer 8 or above versions.
65136 The ad hoc report can now be opened normally after user inserts a formula in the report that returns a predefined formula as the result and saves the report.
65138 Removed the unwanted links to the worksheets on the first page of the Excel file of a report which is published from JReport Designer.
65139 Running reports in Web Report Studio no longer results in "Out of Range" error.
65168 Adding a formula column to a page report in Page Report Studio no longer gets NullPointerException error.
65178 The parameter value user specified in the session of a web report can now work normally in the empty web report in which the user inserts a table.
65178 Applying filter value "between" on a generated web table report no longer gets error if value is missing in one of the table fields.
65178 User can now successfully customize the style name and icon in the page report wizard.
65198 JReport Designer API no longer gets an out of memory error when modifying reports.
65212 Run Host/Port information can now be displayed normally in the status table of the running reports in JReport Server Monitor.
65240 JReport Server now hides the location of the library component and prompts "You are not authorized to see this content xxx" if user tries to access the library component he is not granted permission on.
65249 The parameter error info is now localizable using NLS in user's page report.
65254 Any user that does not exist on the Security-User panel of the JReport Administration page cannot log onto the JReport Console page with an existing user's password.
65257 The values of the specified fields in the web report filter control can now be displayed normally when user applies a web filter in which a date value with improper format has been used.
65276 Exporting a report to Excel with the option Column Format checked when running JReport Server as a war file in an application server no longer results in jet.export.ExpException error.
65282 Now the legend entry label specified via a condition in the web chart report can be displayed correctly on Web Report Studio and JDashboard after the report is published to JReport Server.
65284 User's created count summary for the table column in a page report now returns 0 instead of null value if all the values in the table column are null.
65286 A multi-value parameter in the page report now works properly after creating the parameter on JReport Designer with the Display Type setting to List and then publish the report to JReport Server.
65287 JReport Designer now works normally when user tries to add a new category to the report cube by clicking the Insert Category button in the Report Cube Editor window.
65291 JReport Server no longer throws an SQL exception when users do drill-down actions on a library component running on JDashboard with a computed column being used in the query and the property Push Down Group Query being set to true in JReport Designer.
65313 The measure in a web report or library component now has the same group level with category or series when user sets category/series Top N based on a measure.
65338 Trailing blanks no longer get trimmed in the CSV format Text file of a page/web report or a library component running on JDashboard.
65349 JReport Designer now generates correct font faces in Excel 97-2003 workbook (*.xls) format result files.
65362 No longer see the "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: deIndent" error that occurs when deploying JReport Server 12 WAR file to IBM WebSphere and then previews report printing.
65373 Resolved the OutOfMemory error when opening a large catalog in JReport Designer.
65379 Now all the scheduled tasks can be triggered normally at the user specified time on JReport Server.
65397 The calendar for the parameter control in a web or page report now works properly when NLS is used in the report.
65467 JReport Server no longer occasionally throws the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error when multiple users click simultaneously on the My Tasks tab on the system toolbar of the JReport Console page or just one user double-clicks on it.
65476 Now even in case the business view is created based on UDS or imported SQL, users are allowed to select parameters and special fields in the Predefined Filter dialog and Edit Filter dialog on JReport Designer.
65482 The page/web report result can now be published to fax without any problem.
65489 JReport Server now supports using locales that use comma as the decimal separator such as German to set cube memory for in-memory cubes in the Cube > Configuration panel of the JReport Administration page.
65491 Accessing the page report wizard by using a URL directly on JReport Server V12.1 Update 2.1 no longer results in an unknown exception.
65518 JReport Server now allows users to customize the CSS style in <server_install_root>\public_html\webos\style to change the dashboard main background color.
65522 Linking to report from a web crosstab report and then clicking the back arrow on Web Report Studio no longer results in an error page.
65530 Remove temp files in <server_install_root>\history when shutting down JReport Server running in JBoss.
65579 The category name on a dial gauge chart in JDashboard and Web Report Studio can now be center aligned.
65583 Page reports with multi-value parameters are now loading properly when accessing them by using URLs directly.
65586 Exporting a JReport result file of a page report that has images in its subreport to PDF format no longer results in java.lang.NullPointerException error.

Known issues

Summary field disappears from design view when deleting table column

If a summary is inserted in the GroupFooterPanel of a table, when you delete a column from the table, or unmerge the cell of the group footer row, sometimes you may find the summary field disappears from design view, however, from the report structure tree in the Report Inspector, you can still find the object. You can reset its coordinate related properties so as to make the summary field display again.

Compiling formulas in JReport under JDK 6 or higher gets warnings

Since generic type is introduced to JDK 6 or higher version, when compiling formulas in JReport under JDK 6 or higher, you may come across warning messages as follows:

You may see that the situations are logged as Javac errors. However, the warning messages do not prevent Javac from creating .class files and reports can still run correctly.

In this case, you can simply ignore the messages and logged errors.

TOC Browser tree doesn't work well for reports with cached report bursting

When end user runs a report which has been defined with some cached report bursting policy in Page Report Studio, and then opens the TOC Browser, he will see all the groups of the report instead of just the ones he is supposed to view. In addition, no matter if he has access to a group, he cannot click the group name from the TOC tree to get corresponding details. JReport will further enhance the cached report bursting feature in a future release to resolve this issue.

Report data gets cut off in PDF result

When you export a report to PDF format, if the report contains a large amount of data but its page mode was specified to be continuous page mode, or its page size was set to be larger than 200 inches, you will find that in the PDF result some data of the report are cut off. This is because in one PDF page, the data displayed can be no larger than 200 inches.

Starting JReport with 64-bit JDK 1.7

To use 64-bit JDK 1.7 to start JReport on 64-bit Sun Solaris System, you need to modify the launch script (for JReport Designer) or (for JReport Server) in $REPORTHOME/bin by changing the value $JAVAHOME/bin/java to $JAVAHOME/bin/amd64/java.

Deploying monitor.war (servlet.war) and jreport.war in the same domain gets exception

When integrating JReport Server and JReport Server Monitor into one application server, you need to make sure that they are deployed to different domains. JReport Server Monitor is supposed to be just an application for the administrator which doesn't need to come along with a JReport Server as the report system. So it is recommended that JReport Server Monitor be installed on a separate system or on systems for system administrators.

Limitation of going to another group on chart

When you perform the go-to action on a chart which uses a dynamic formula as its shown value, and the formula contains group information, you will get exceptions. This is a limitation in current version. We will resolve the issue in future release.

The zooming in or out of JReport browsers is not supported

All JReport browsers such as Page Report Studio, Web Report Studio, JDashboard and so on do not support being zoomed in or out by the way of scrolling the mouse while holding the Ctrl key. This may result in that the JReport UI cannot display well.

Derby cannot auto start in cross-computer integration

By default, JReport Server uses the embedded Derby as the system database, and automatically starts the Derby database server (the start of Derby requires the JDK path). If you build a WAR/EAR on computer A and then integrate it into an application server on computer B, it is probable that the Derby database server cannot auto start using the JDK path on computer A. If you want to use Derby in an integration environment, please take the following steps:

  1. Build a WAR(jreport.war)/EAR(jreport.ear) on computer A using the following commands:

    makewar.bat -Dreporthome=%REPORTHOME%

    makewar.bat buildEar -Dreporthome=%REPORTHOME%

  2. Deploy jreport.war/jreport.ear to the application server on computer B.
  3. In %ReportHome%\derby\bin, modify javahome in the env.bat file to make it the same as that of computer B.
  4. Access the URL http://ip:port/jreport to start JReport Server, and Derby will also get started.

API change

jet.formula.ParamDesc.value has been set to private now. You can use getDisplayValue(DbValue paramvalue, java.util.Locale locale) instead.

For example:

ParamDesc desc = new ParamDesc();

... ...

desc.getDisplayValue(desc.getValue(), Locale.getDefault());