Initializing the database system as a non-admin database user

The database initialization system allows you to use a non-admin database user for JReport Server. However, the database initialization has to be divided into three phases:

  1. The database administrator creates new database tables using script files.
  2. The non-admin database user starts JReport Server. In this phase, the old version's database tables will be updated if they exist. If the server has updated the old version's table data, you will be able to see a record of it in the debug file.
  3. The database administrator deletes the old version' tables in the database using script files.

Script files

JReport Server supports these different databases: Apache Derby, HSQLDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, Sybase, and Informix.

The script files are stored in <install_root>\script_files. There are three types of script files:

Script files used for creating new database tables

The following files are used to create new database tables, and are stored in <install_root>\script_files\create_new_tables:

Script files used for deleting the old version' tables

The following files are used to delete the old version' tables, and are stored in <install_root>\script_files\delete_old_tables:

Script files used for deleting the current version' tables

The following files are used to delete the current version' tables, and are stored in <install_root>\script_files\delete_current_tables: