Monitoring the server performance

You can monitor the server performance in two ways, one is using JReport Server Monitor, and the other is by using an external method: JMX MBean API or web service API.

Monitoring the server performance on JReport Server Monitor

JReport Server Monitor can show performance counters in graph (Line chart and Bar chart) and text mode.

To monitor the performance of JReport Server on JReport Server Monitor:

  1. In the left panel of the JReport Server Monitor home page, click to select any server node.
  2. Click the Performance tab and the performance chart of the specified server will be displayed.
  3. If you want to configure the performance chart, click the Graph Options button on the toolbar. In the Graph Options dialog, set how many tick marks you need to display on the X axis in the Keep Last N Records text field. In the Y Axis Limit and Y2 Axis Limit text fields, set respectively the maximum value on the left Y axis and the right Y axis. In the Interval text field, set the time interval (in seconds) the performance chart will use to get data and refresh itself.

    Click the Clear Display button if you want to clear the current display of the performance counters in the performance chart.

    To stop the current display of the performance counters, click the Stop button on the toolbar.

The following are the available counters:

Performance Counter Description
Waiting Reports The number of the currently waiting reports.
Running Reports The number of the currently running reports.
Finished Reports The number of the finished reports.
Finished Report Pages The number of pages of the finished reports.
Report Average Processing Time The average processing time of each report.
Report Average Waiting Time The average waiting time of each report.
Valid User Sessions The number of valid user sessions.
Average Submitted Tasks per User The average number of tasks that each user has submitted since JReport Server started.
Database Connections The number of database connections.

Monitoring the server performance using JMX MBean API or web service API

To monitor server performance via JMX MBean API:

  1. Make your application environment consistent with the JMX specification.
  2. In, set the properties server.rmiserver.enable and server.profiling.enable to true.
  3. Run your code. Here is an example:
    ObjectName profilingName = new ObjectName("jinfonet:name=profileCounter");
    ProfilingFactory ft = new ProfilingFactory("",1129, "d:\\monitor");
    ProfilingCounter profilingCounter = new ProfilingCounter(ft);
    MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
    server.registerMBean(profilingCounter, profilingName);
    ProfileNotifyListener notifyListener = new ProfileNotifyListener();
    profilingCounter.addNotificationListener(notifyListener, null,null);
    // Create an RMI connector and start it 
    JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9999/server");
    JMXConnectorServer cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, server);

    In code part ProfilingFactory ft = new ProfilingFactory("",1129, "d:\\monitor"), the parameters serverHost and serverRMIPort are used to get server's ProfilingService remote object, parameter homepath is the path of the rmi.auth file which is used for RMI authority checking public ProfilingFactory(String serverHost, int serverRMIPort, String homepath).

  4. Check the monitoring result.

To monitor server performance via web service API:

  1. Build jreport.war with the makewar buildWar4WS command by using the makewar.bat utility in the <install_root>\bin directory.
  2. Deploy jreport.war to your application server such as Tomcat or WebSphere.
  3. In, set the properties server.rmiserver.enable and server.profiling.enable to true.
  4. Run your code. Here is an example:
    XFire xfire = XFireFactory.newInstance().getXFire();
    XFireProxyFactory factory = new XFireProxyFactory(xfire);
    Class className =;
    String serviceName = "ProfilingService";
    String serviceURL = "http://localhost:8080/jreport/services/ProfilingService";
    Service serviceModel = new ObjectServiceFactory().create(className, serviceName, null, null);
    JReportServerProfilingWs o = (JReportServerProfilingWs)factory.create(serviceModel, serviceURL);
    //Setup properties
    Client client = Client.getInstance(o);
    client.setProperty("mtom-enabled", "true");
    client.setProperty(HttpTransport.CHUNKING_ENABLED, "true");
    //try call getCounter first before check login
    }catch(Exception e) {
    //call check login then call getCounter and getCounterType
    o.checkLogin("admin", "admin");
  5. Check the monitoring result. When you run your code, you can call the two methods getCounter() and getCounterType() to get the information you want.

The available counters used in JMX MBean API and web service API are:

Performance Counter Counter Name Counter Type Description
Total Completed Tasks TotalCompletedTasks int The tasks that are totally completed.
Number of Reports per Minute NumberofReportsPerMinute float The number of the reports running per minute.
Total Number of Pages Exported TotalNumberofPageExported long The total number of the exported report pages.
Exported Pages per Minute ExportPagesPerMinute float The number of exported report pages per minute.
Successful Tasks SuccessfulTasks int The tasks that have been run successfully.
On-demand Tasks OnDemandTasks int The tasks that have been run on-demand.
Average Number of Pages TaskAveragePages float The average number of report pages for each task.
Maximum Number of Pages TaskMaximumPages long The maximum number of report pages for all tasks.
Average Running Time per Task TaskAverageRunTime float The average running time of each task.
Maximum Running Time TaskMaximumRunTime float The maximum running time of the tasks.
Average Waiting Time per Task TaskAverageWaitTime float The average waiting time of each task.
Maximum Waiting Time TaskMaxWaitTime float The maximum waiting time of the tasks.
Average Engine Time per Task TaskAverageEngineTime float The average running time of each task on engine.
Maximum Engine Time TimeTaskMaximumEngine float The maximum running time of all tasks on engine.
Average Concurrent Engines AverageConcurrentEngines float The average number of concurrent engines for each task.
Maximum Concurrent MaximumConcurrent long The maximum number of concurrent engines for all tasks.

In JMX MBean API and web service API, the data type of the profiling counters has to be Decimal. Below is a figure of built-in data type hierarchy that you could refer for the return value: