Viewing a report with cached report bursting

Since the control of report access is not possible without a user ID, the significance of this function is only apparent after reports have been published to JReport Server and users access it using their JReport User ID (security identifier).

When a client views a report with cached report bursting in JReport Server, the corresponding groups will be displayed according to the security identifier. You can also advanced run reports with cached report bursting in different formats, including Page Report, HTML, PDF, TEXT, Excel, PS, XML and Rich Text Format (this feature does not support the RST and Applet formats).

To view a report with cached report bursting in JReport Server, the report must first be published to the server from JReport Designer. For example, if in JReport Designer, the security for a report that is grouped by the Customer_Region field has been set as follows:


  1. Access the JReport Console page via a web browser with the user ID admin.
  2. Browse to the report that you are going to view.
  3. Click the report name, and you will then be able to view the CA and MN groups of the report.
  4. If you log onto JReport Server with the user ID jennifer, you will then only be able to view the BC group.

Note: When designing the report in JReport Designer, if the Cascade property is set to be false, the specified group will only display its group header and footer.