Using LDAP server security information via the LDAP implementation of the Security API

JReport Server can access an LDAP server directly using the LDAP Security API implementation. To achieve this, you will need to turn on the LDAP security providers. There are three approaches to achieve this:

Note: In order to use LDAP providers, a valid admin user is required to manage the JReport Server. The following are rules for checking whether or not a user is an admin user:

A user that meets one of these two rules is regarded as an admin user, and is thus allowed to access the JReport Administration page.

Troubleshooting LDAP configuration

If you encountered any problems during LDAP configuration, refer to the following for help.

LDAP configuration failure resulting in re-login failure as an admin user

An admin user may fail to carry out LDAP configuration properly, and thus then cannot log onto the JReport Administration page to manage the server. If this happens, you should follow the below steps:

  1. Modify the property in the LDAP configuration XML file LDAPProperties.xml in <install_root>\properties as follows to turn off the Enable Direct Authentication to LDAP Server option:


  2. Restart JReport Server and log in as a built-in security admin user to correct the LDAP configuration.

Warning messages in the advent of incorrect LDAP configuration

Apart from the notes offered on the JReport Administration page > Configuration > LDAP panel, prompt warning information is also provided in order to cope with incorrect LDAP configuration. The server system will prompt warning messages in the following cases: